Congratulations on taking the first steps for booking your photo shoot with us. For your convenience, you can easily schedule and pay for your appointment using this page. If you have any questions about your upcoming shoot, please feel free to read our helpful guides below.
If you have any further questions, please contact us by clicking here or by
e-mailing us at: or by calling us at 440-487-6152.
Basic headshot package
Basic Headshot Package by Miami Headshots
This level package is a great introduction to getting 2 differing looks that are a great addition to your portfolio, resume, casting materials or your website.
full headshot package
Full Headshot Package by Miami Headshots
This level package gives you all you need to achieve diverse and quality results. Created for client flexibility; subjects can choose from 1-5 looks.
full portfolio package
Full Portfolio Package by Miami Headshots
This package is the ultimate service for those looking to achieve a full and comprehensive portfolio with a ride range of looks. Looks can be shot on-location, in our studios or in an outdoor setting to ensure the most diverse collection of looks for your book. This service comes with one edited photo per look included.
photo editing services
Photo Editing
Our basic headshot package and full headshot package services do not come standard with edited photos. This additional service allows you to have professional, studio-quality retouching to your photographs.